About Us
Springer Machining, Inc. is a West Michigan based company offering innovative solutions for all your Machining needs. Whether you need a part produced or a machine built to produce thousands of parts, we can help.
We Provide:
Special Machine Design and Machine Building
High volume Production Machining
Low volume Machining Services
One piece Prototype and Part Development
Welding, Fabrication and Assembly
Springer Machining designs, builds and operates multi-spindle custom machines capable of competing with even in-house machining costs. It is our belief that Springer Machining can provide high quality parts at lower costs than any other CNC or job shop.
Our Goal
Springer Machining is committed to providing our customers with quality machining and fabrication at competitive pricing. It is our goal to outperform all of our competitors; to exceed our customers' expectations for quality and delivery and to maintain honest and ethical standards for doing business. We see no need for underhanded business practices. Our quality, ingenuity and willingness to work with our customers should speak for itself.
Our Team
bill@springermach.comSale - Design, Pricing, CAD
randy@springermach.com - Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable
scott@springermach.com - CAD/CAM, CNC